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Thrift Store Reviews

Blue Mountain Thrift

Brooke Mousetis

Today”s Thrift Store Review is for Blue Mountain Thrift Store in Anneville, PA. A friend introduced me to this store and I just about had a heart attack when we walked in and I saw how giant it was. I”m pretty sure my first words were “Holy crap”… followed by sheer panic and “I NEED A PLAN!!!” It”s easy to miss stuff when places are so large! I”ve found quite a few gems at Blue Mountain Thrift and suggest that anyone in the Lancaster County area take the time to visit it at least once in their lives.

Blue Mountain Thrift // Anneville, PA // 1251 East Main Street
Phone: (717) 867-1595

Clothing: Yes. Racks on racks on racks.

Housewares: Yes. Although they're kind of all over the place.

Furniture: Yes!! They have a lot of furniture that's moderately priced. Most of the time the items are in great shape, which is nice if you find exactly what you were looking for.

Organized: Clothing – Yes. Housewares – Ehh. Furniture – As much as possible.

Clean: Sort of. The store, more like warehouse, is seriously enormous. So I'm sure they do all they can.

Bathroom: Yes. Easy to find and smells lovely! I use it every time I go. That might have more to do with the store's proximity to McDonalds and how quickly I drink my iced coffee every time. Hmm...

Carts/Baskets: Yes.

Best Section: Either the linens, lamps or general housewares.

Cash/Credit: They accept both.

Sales: Sales change weekly. Check the “Product” page of their website for current sales.

Total Tiny Anchors Thrift Points: 7

*Plus side of Blue Mountain Thrift — It”s connected to a giant Antique Warehouse… which has amazing finds for the middle price range.

** Please note that the "Total Tiny Anchors Thrift Points" are totally just my opinion, based off of my personal experiences and the items I was searching for that the time. **